"providing high performance sports planning and training expertise to individual athletes and high performance training centres, sports federations and governmental sports organisations"


Dr Gebhard Gritsch is an Austrian sports performance consultant, and from 2009 - 2017 and 2018 - 2019, the fitness coach and consultant to the Serbian tennis professional Novak Djokovic.  

Gebhard Gritsch studied Sports Science and Sports Management at the Universities of Innsbruck and Vienna and obtained his masters degree in 1985. In 1994 Gritsch earned his PhD from the University of Vienna, with his sports science based dissertation “Handbook for player development: From the talented junior to the tennis professional”.

Gritsch has over 20 years experience in high performance tennis player development, including as National Coach in the Philippines and Indonesia. In New Zealand, he worked as Head Coach for the Central Region, and as High Performance Consultant to the New Zealand Academy of Sports.  

Recently Gritsch has mainly been recognized for his contribution to the success of Novak Djokovic’s professional career, including through providing sports scientific based training and a balanced, holistic performance management approach to both training and competition.

Gritsch’s consultancy work is based on his research in “High Performance Tennis Training - Creation of a Champion” which culminates both his academic learning and his 20+ years experience in high performance player development, including as high performance consultant and fitness trainer to Novak Djokovic. 

Gebhard Gritsch provides high performance sports planning expertise and training to individual athletes, high performance training centres, sports federations and governmental sports organizations. Currently he also oversees the Elite Training Program at the OOE Olympic Training Centre in Linz, Austria.

"helping athletes reach their ultimate potential in competitive sports"

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“Der Größte vergoldete seine Karriere”

kurier.at, October 2024

“Meet Gebhard Gritsch, the Man Behind the Serbian’s Insane Longevity in the Sport”

  essentiallysport.com, August 2024

“I feel like we're synchronized” 

tennis.com, May 2024

„Der Input ist mittlerweile so, dass man Medaillen erwarten kann“

Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Februar 2024

Djokovic Honours Former Team Members In Belgrade”

ATP News, April 2022

“Novak will immer mehr, mehr, mehr “

Sonntagszeitung Switzerland September 2021

"Wichtig ist, das Denken der Leute zu verändern"

Oberösterreichische Nachrichten Juni 2021

Balance ist nicht alles, aber ohne Balance ist alles nichts!

“Balance is not everything, but without balance everything is nothing”

OOETV May 2021

Coach Support Centre OZ Linz - Head und Projektleiter ist Leistungssport-Coach Dr.Gebhard Gritsch.

Olympic Centre January Linz 2020

“I’m so grateful to Marian and (fitness coach) Gebhard Gritsch for coming back, coming to join me again to help me to get to where I am at the moment, it’s really nice of them.”

  Reuters Sports News  July 2018


"Erfolgreiches Trainersymposium"

   Schigymnasium Stams   Mai 2018


"Djokovic vertraut in der Krise wieder einem Österreicher"

   Die Presse  Mai 2018


"... backroom reunion" 

     Express UK April 2018


"ÖTV-Fortbildung in Salzburg  In Rif referierten u.a. Gebhard Gritsch"

     OETV. Oktober 2017


"Gebhard Gritsch steht dem neuen Coach Support Center vor"

    Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Oktober 2017


"Acht Jahre lang ist Sportwissenschaftler Gebhard Gritsch mit Novak Djokovic um die Welt gereist..."

    Die Welt, Juni 2017


"Gebhard Gritsch, recognized as one of the best (if not the best) fitness coaches in the world..."

   Tennis World USA, May 2017 


"Novak Djokovic and fitness coach Gebhard Gritsch had "mutually agreed" to "end their successful and long-term partnership".

   BBC.com, UK, May 2017


"Doskozil statt Djokovic?"

    Die Presse, Austria, November 2016


 “.. the most remarkable changes in Djokovic’s durability have come since he appointed Gebhard Phil-Gritsch as his fitness trainer six years ago.”

    The Independent, UK, November 2015


"Gebhard Gritsch über ... Potenzial"

    Sportaktiv.com, Germany, February 2013


“Djokovic’s secret weapon” “Gebhard Gritsch is the brains behind Novak Djokovic’s fitness program”    

   Tages Anzeiger, Switzerland, January 2013


“Djokovic’s incredible 2011 season was underlined by his astonishing improvement physically, a result of his work with PhilGritsch.”

    The Tennis Space, UK, May 2012


“Gebhard Gritsch: Der Djokovic-Macher"

    Sport Net Austria, September 2011


 “In hiring Phil-Gritsch,..Djokovic has shown a determination to improve upon an area which had been a weakness in the past.”

    The Independent, UK, October 2009